On Game Day Around Here, Its All About the BALLS!

I am famous…or maybe infamous… for my party meatballs. It’s a never fail kind of thing. So naturally with game day yesterday, I whipped up a half batch for our company. It is so simple, its embarrassing but Lord, are they addicting.

Schweddy Balls

(feel free to rename these more appropriately. This one just STUCK for us)

credit to Charley Sheen & SNL

80-100 frozen meatballs

two 12 ounce jars of Heinz chili sauce

one 32 ounce jar of grape jelly

2 teaspoons of lemon juice

2 teaspoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of brown sugar


Note: be on the lookout for one strange ingredient & don’t dismiss it. You’ll be missing out severely! I didn’t take pictures of my ingredient line-up so I compiled a collage for you instead.

Excuse the blurry meatballs. This was the only picture i came across & it just so happens to be awfully blurry. I insisted on showing this one because these Costco brand meatballs are my favorite to use. Another great way to use this sauce recipe is on “lil smokies” instead of meatballs. Both are equally delicious.

You can take this adventure one of two ways: on the stove or in your favorite crock pot. I usually just do mine on the stove but the choice is yours.

Either way, you will want to combine all the sauce ingredients (excluding the meatballs) to your crock/pot. Heat until boiling & combined into a smooth sauce.

Now you can add your meatballs! Stir to coat them & if you’re using the stove, simmer on medium low, stirring occasionally until cooked through. Using the crock pot, you will stir to coat & cook them on high for 2 hours or so until heated through.

Voila! It’s over. How easy was that? Now here’s your reward. (Forgive them for not being terribly photogenic)


In all seriousness though, this party food is a winner. Period.

Usually I serve my left over meatballs over white rice with fresh stir fried french beans, onions, & colorful bell peppers. This is also delicious if you want to cut the recipe in quarters & make it as a meal instead of a party hor d’oeuvre.


-Mrs. B

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