A Short & Sweet Guilt-Free Snack

I wouldn’t even call this a “recipe”; more like a simple set of guidelines. You just need taste buds to appreciate the end result. & a bunch of bananas.

Bananas would help too. : P

I’ve seen the substitution with bananas in frozen treats everywhere lately & it is a fabulous one I came across, indeed. I have a toddler running around who, if i allowed him, would probably eat nothing more than ice cream forever more so this was right up his alley. My freezer is now full of frozen bananas for smoothies & for (my good intentions) to make banana bread. They always seem to fall short & I wait until it’s too late to use them so I’ve resolved to just start freezing them. I hate being wasteful.

My mother seems obsessed with buying me bundles & bundles of bananas. I take them without question & this week was no different. I just find myself looking for different ways to consume these things by the masses. & this is a very tasty way. Whether to satisfy my toddlers need for a treat, or mine or my husbands sweet tooth late at night. I have to say, I feel a little less guilty. : P

Chocolate Covered Frozen Banana Bites

•about 4 bananas
•peanut butter (I used crunchy)
•melting chocolate OR the combination of semi-sweet chocolate chips & shortening
•wax paper

The pictures are fairly self explanatory.


Slice bananas & top with a little creamy or crunchy peanut butter, whichever you prefer.

Freeze ’em overnight.

Melt your chocolate & dip to cover them! If the chocolate doesn’t stick to the bottoms of the bananas, that’s ok, just let them harden as they are & when they are solid, pick them back up & using a spoon, cover just the bottom with a little chocolate & rest them back on the wax paper you’re using.



Store them in the freezer & munch on these babies anytime, day or night…& remember to share them with your toddlers : P

-Mrs. B

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