
Where do I start?

My name is Ashton. I lead a very unglamorous but busy life with my family and work, which I enjoy very much. I most recently decided to add into my jam packed days, a commitment to my family to try something brand new in the kitchen at least once a week and to the best of my ability, I intend to make it happen.

I get strangely excited thinking about expanding my knowledge and experience when it comes to working in the kitchen. I’m in there half the day with the purpose of serving and nourishing my family and I am happy to do it but why not take control and get something that IIIII seek from it, which is stimulation, gratification, and the power to raise eyebrows at the dinner table. You have to admit that sounds better and more gratifying that the same boring meals once every 2 weeks.

This first came to me when spending a majority of my time in the kitchen baking (especially lately, as I have at least 3 out of 4 weekends filled with cake/cupcake, dessert orders). I felt accomplished by my production in the kitchen and the tens of hours I was putting in any given week but my family was getting nothing more than the tops of the cakes I saved for them. They were sad & it took me a while to see it which is why I decided to make this commitment to them, as they are my priority.

I hope to spread happiness to husbands and kids everywhere by sharing some of my kitchen adventures and urging you to shock your family with that extra effort to regularly try something new. If you’re reading this, thank you!


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